Put a brain on your Agile process & build more integrated product discovery and delivery streams

Agile has taken over the software development world. As a result we’ve created highly-efficient software engineering teams incentivized to get bug-free code shipped quickly. What we’ve failed to do is empower these teams with the decision-making mechanism necessary to decide:

  • What should we work on?
  • What’s the best prioritization for our work?
  • When is it done? (Shipping != done)
  • Is it meeting customer expectations?
  • Shoud we continue to design and optimize this feature?

It is imperative that our product teams understand how to practice effective product discovery methods which can simultaneously feed our product delivery efforts.

The most effective way to achieve this is in collaborative, cross-functional teams that base their decisions on evidence from the market gained through experimentation and hypothesis. These teams bring product design, user experience, engineering, product management and organizational leadership together in a customer-centric effort to build the right product and to build the product right.

What people are saying about Jeff’s workshop:

I found the workshop extremely beneficial on both a personal and a team level. I really enjoyed how the day was broken down into pockets of lecturing and group activities to practice the lessons discussed. Even having read Jeff’s book, practicing the exercises within the team made It clear how beneficial the approach can be.”

”I found the Lean UX workshop really helpful. It made a refreshing change to hear some opinions from an experienced external source of how we can make agile work in ways other than how we already are. The contrast between the formulation of assumptions and experiments to our usual story generation and QA testing gave a valuable insight into how we can decide on our MVP, and refine how we define our priorities when scoping out work. The time spent was well worth it.”

Who this course is for

  • Product leaders
  • CEO’s
  • General Managers
  • VP’s and Directors of Product
  • VP’s and Directors of UX
  • CTO’s and VP’s of Engineering

These folks take the learnings back to their teams.  Alternatively, these same organizations send colleagues new to their product teams to get this training in preparation for joining the team.

Learning outcomes for this course

In this fun, high-energy & hands-on workshop, Jeff will teach you and your teams:

  • How to structure parallel path product discovery and delivery processes
  • How to make evidence-based, customer-centric prioritization decisions
  • How to improve communication between designers, developers, product managers and executives
  • How to build agile cross-functional collaboration in Scrum environments
  • How to impress the value of good user experience design on the rest of the organization
  • How to build a culture of learning and experimentation
  • How to drive innovative efforts in your startup, high-growth company or enterprise
  • How to leverage customers as the best source of information
  • How to bring resarch, design, writing and engineering together in one continuous learning and delivery cycle

This course has already been held.

Please consider one of our upcoming courses

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