As companies grow, misalignment and suboptimization tend to become a big problem.

The situation in the cartoon above is frighteningly close to the truth for many teams. Recently, Henrik Kniberg gave a talk about Spotify’s approach to this, using a model called Spotify Rhythm.

Read more about Spotify Rhythm at Henriks blog>


Beijer Electronics

How Beijer Electronics transitioned from SAFe to empowered product teams

Discover the journey toward Empowered Product Teams About Beijer Electronics Beijer Electronics is a Swedish company that designs and manufactures human-machine interface terminals and automation software. The company is based in Malmö, with a presence in Europe, Asia, and the Americas.  Learn how Beijer Electronics transitioned from silos, SAFe, and friction to a culture of collaboration, trust, and engagement. What you will take […]


SSGs transformationsresa mot produktteam

Se den presentation som medlemmar av SSGs ledningsteam gjorde där de delade sina upplevelser och lärdomar från sin förändringsresa under två år. Hur är det att göra en stor förflyttning från agila leveransteam mot produktteam i en produktledd organisation, och hur kan det upplevas inifrån?  Du får höra från Produktchef, IT-Chef och VD vilka motiv […]


SVT Play’s Transformation Story

Watch the presentation by SVT Play, the Swedish public service television, sharing how they have transformed from being stuck in silos, to being organized around value streams. With this shift, they have significantly increased collaboration and alignment toward common strategic goals. The journey is, by no means, “finished” but you’ll get a glimpse of the three-year […]