Vi är Crisp. Med vår hjälp blomstrar hållbara

Illustration: Paper airplane

Tillsammans uppnår vi förändring.

Vi hjälper företag att blomstra i en dynamisk värld.

Illustration: Team meeting



Vi skapar förändring i hela er organisation. Ledare, interna coacher och team får kunskap och praktisk träning som hjälper dem att växa. Vi ger dig energin som får ambitioner att spira.



Tillsammans förenklar och löser vi era tekniska utmaningar. Med vår hjälp blir tekniska plattformar skalbara och effektiva. Många av våra konsulter är experter på Java, frontend, CI/CD och samarbetsmetoder så som DevOps.



Vi utbildar och certifierar era medarbetare i agila samarbetsmetoder som Scrum och SAFe. Dessutom fördjupar vi medarbetarnas kunskap inom till exempel produktutveckling, agil HR, agilt ledarskap och Product Discovery.

Vad vi tror på

Crisp Workshop

Vad vi tror på


Vi tror att nyckeln till framgång är att lita på medarbetarna. Låt team och individer vara kreativa och utforska sina idéer. Frihet ger engagemang, förändring och framgång.

Livslångt lärande

Utveckling sker genom kunskapsutbyte. Vi på Crisp lär oss av varandra, våra kunder och samarbetspartners. Vi utmanas av spännande uppdrag och drivs av nyfikenhet.


Tillsammans kan vi rädda vårt klimat. Många av våra Crispkonsulter är involverade i startups som driver positiv miljöpåverkan som GoClimateNeutral och ClimateView.

Hur kan vi hjälpa dig?

Bjud en Crispkonsult på lunch och få reda på hur vi hjälper ditt företag att skapa hållbar förändring. Vi nöjer oss med en kopp kaffe om det passar bättre.

Kontakta oss

Illustration: Team meeting

Aktuella händelser

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Welcome Kevin

We are happy to welcome Kevin Albrecht to Crisp. To introduce Kevin, we asked him three questions. What do you focus on at Crisp?I advise product and tech companies, both large and small, especially helping them through digital transformations, product development, and team building.I like to work in the space where business, technology, and product […]

Product Model explained with Spotify’s Discover Weekly

In September, Crisp had the privilege to host Marty Cagan’s latest ”Transformed” workshop. A special additional day led to an inspiring exchange of ideas, strategies, methodologies, and experiences about guiding companies through transformative product journeys. This event also gave Marty a chance to reunite with Crisp’s consultant, Joakim Sundén, one of the co-creators of what […]

Marty Cagan @ Crisp

Last week Marty Cagan visited Crisp to perform his new Transformed workshop, which builds on his upcoming book “Transformed”. It was a fully packed classroom that during a whole day got a lot of the learnings from Marty and his colleagues at svpg on how to transform companies into a product operating model, that’s based […]

Företag vi har samarbetat med


Beijer Electronics

How Beijer Electronics transitioned from SAFe to empowered product teams

Discover the journey toward Empowered Product Teams About Beijer Electronics Beijer Electronics is a Swedish company that designs and manufactures human-machine interface terminals and automation software. The company is based in Malmö, with a presence in Europe, Asia, and the Americas.  Learn how Beijer Electronics transitioned from silos, SAFe, and friction to a culture of collaboration, trust, and engagement. What you will take […]


SSGs transformationsresa mot produktteam

Se den presentation som medlemmar av SSGs ledningsteam gjorde där de delade sina upplevelser och lärdomar från sin förändringsresa under två år. Hur är det att göra en stor förflyttning från agila leveransteam mot produktteam i en produktledd organisation, och hur kan det upplevas inifrån?  Du får höra från Produktchef, IT-Chef och VD vilka motiv […]


SVT Play’s Transformation Story

Watch the presentation by SVT Play, the Swedish public service television, sharing how they have transformed from being stuck in silos, to being organized around value streams. With this shift, they have significantly increased collaboration and alignment toward common strategic goals. The journey is, by no means, “finished” but you’ll get a glimpse of the three-year […]

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Interview with Woody Zuill – Software Teaming (Mob Programming) – addressing complexity with genuine collaboration.

We are excited to have Woody Zuill teach a Master Class in this fall’s leading complexity program. The topic is Software Teaming (Mob Programming)—addressing complexity with genuine collaboration. Woody coined the concept of Mob Programming/ Software Teaming, wrote books on the topic, and traveled the world spreading the ideas. Recently, we had the opportunity to

Interview with Bonnitta Roy – Thinking with Complexity

We spoke with Bonnitta Roy about her upcoming Master Class in this year’s leading complexity program for the fall. The topic is Thinking with Complexity: Post-Formal Actors, Protocols, and Complex Potential States. Bonnitta is an author, researcher, complexity thinker, business developer, and teacher. She integrates many fields: Natural Sciences, Living Systems, Consciousness Studies, Relational Processes,

Interview with Gary Hamel – Thriving in the Age of Upheaval

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, traditional management practices are being challenged like never before. Gary Hamel, a leading authority on modern management, offers a fresh perspective in his latest book, “Humanocracy.” We had the fortune to have a chat with him. In the interview, Hamel discusses the pitfalls of bureaucracy and the need for