Hi! I probably sent you here because you are interested in translating some of my stuff. Great, thanks!

In general, you are welcome to translate anything to any language. Send a link afterwards and I’ll add it to the original article/video.



If you want to translate the video Friendly Guide to Climate Change (subtitles), see this link for adding subtitles. If you want to do an audio translation, please download the original video file, replace the audio with your translation, put it on youtube, and send me the link. Or send me the file and I’ll post it to youtube.

If you want to translate the video Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell, see this link for adding subtitles. I plan to add english subtitles myself at some point. If you want to do an audio translation, please download the original video file, replace the audio with your translation.

If you want to translate the video Spotify Engineering Culture, then sorry, I don’t have a way of supporting that at the moment.


If you want to translate the books Scrum and XP from the Trenches” or “Kanban and Scrum, making the most of both” contact anamaria@c4media.com.

If you want to translate the book “Lean from the Trenches” contact Pragmatic Bookshelf.

Web sites

If you want to translate GoClimateNeutral.org, reach out to info@goclimateneutral.org.

If you want to translate the Agile Manifesto get in touch with translate@agilealliance.org  (I am no longer responsible for the agile manifesto translation program).

If you want to translate the CarbonManifesto.org, go to http://carbonmanifesto.org/translate and translate directly online.

Articles and other stuff

If you want to translate any other free online material such as my slidesarticles, or videos, then just go ahead and do it. Send me a link to your translated version when you are done, so I can link to it.