Effective cross team synchronisation, collaborative innovation, whole system alignment

All over the world organisations are experimenting with new tools and methods for increasing effectiveness and organizational agility. One pattern we see emerging in this new paradigm is self-organized, semi-autonomous teams, energized by a personal sense of calling to serve effectively their collective purpose. At the same time it’s becoming clear that each organization’s context is unique and that prescriptive, “one size fits all” solutions can cause more harm than good.

Sociocracy 3.0 (also known as S3), a free and open, principles based framework of patterns, supports all aspects of collaboration and gracefully embraces this emerging paradigm. It integrates lean and agile thinking, meets organizations where they are and provides a variety of compatible options to choose from and adapt, according to unique context and needs.

S3 addresses generic complexities arising when collaboration needs to scale across multiple teams and domains and acts as a “social technology” for unlocking ownership, engagement and a sense of purpose while promoting respect, diversity and inclusion. It is an invitation to bring greater awareness to underlying circumstances that motivate us to act.

 S3 – a social technology for our time

Classic sociocracy also known as dynamic governance in the U.S. offers an innovative approach to positively grow and continuously improve organizations.

S3 is an evolutionary, principles based framework of patterns that people wishing to collaborate and learn together effectively can practice to improve flow of value and grow happy, successful organizations.

S3 builds on sociocratic practices, integrating influences from Holacracy, Agile, Lean and Non-Violent Communication.

Alongside a reliable and effective framework that effectively taps into the collective intelligence within teams, S3 facilitates co-creativity, fosters transparency and guarantees the equivalence of all participants in decision making.

Short governance iterations with a tight feedback loop (Decide – Experiment – Review) make self-organization and dynamic steering achievable both for teams and for the whole organization.

For more information and open source learning materials, go to sociocracy30.org

What past participants say:

I have been on many workshops and trainings during my life and treasure some of them. This workshop will definitely be one of them. James and Lili are great facilitators and create a safe, open and creative environment. I learned not only S3, which I had hoped for, but also about myself(ves), which will help me be more whole, authentic and therefore a better person and leader.

The workshop is highly recommended for anyone wanting to learn about collaboration and ways to increase engagement in your organization. Anders L – Agile Coach, Crisp, Stockholm, Sweden

A great workshop. Mindful, makes you think, reflect and make sense of the reality around you. The concepts & techniques are highly applicable in organizational environments. Natalia – Agile Coach, Spotify, Stockholm, Sweden

This immersive course went much beyond my expectations. It gave me a fantastic opportunity to deepen my understanding of S3 principles and implementations through facilitated experiential processes, plus practices. This has empowered me to take my learning forwards and integrate S3 into our organization. Dr Katy Momo Fox – Founder, Designer at Cell Centre for Ecological Learning – Luxembourg

For more testimonials visit: http://www.thriveincollaboration.com/#!testimonials/b7hrz

Who this course is for

  • Agile coaches and consultants
  • Progressive leaders and managers.
  • Organisational change agents, consultants and HR

Learning outcomes for this course

After the course you will:

  • Know how Sociocracy’s core methodology and principles free potential and support system wide optimisation.
  • Understand the principle of consent, appreciate its effectiveness as an alternative to consensus in decision making and learn skills in its application.
  • Discover new ways of facilitating to draw out the collective wisdom, insight and creativity of teams.
  • Discover how to apply and scale agile governance processes across multiple domains, build reflexivity and nurture positive organisational evolution.
  • Develop skills you can apply within your groups, organisations and relationships.


No prior knowledge of Agile or Sociocracy is necessary. Prepare by thinking about and identifying some key challenges that organisations you work with are facing.


This course has already been held.

Please consider one of our upcoming courses

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