We are pleased to welcome you to a digitally conducted Master class with Harvard University professor and best-selling author
Amy Edmondson

Based on her bestselling management books “The Fearless Organization” and “Teaming,” the researcher, writer and Harvard professor Amy Edmondson will give an online Master class for senior practitioners, describing the concept of “Psychological safety”; what it is, why it matters and how to achieve it.
You will learn what you can do for your organization, your team and/or your clients to create a culture of candour, creativity and innovation where people speak up, express their opinions, admit mistakes and give and receive honest and useful feedback.
Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to learn from and get inspired by Amy Edmondson, a world-renowned researcher, author, TED-speaker and advisor.

About Amy Edmondson’s Master class and view on Psychological safety. Collective intelligence is crucial to innovation, adaptation and sustainable success. Fear brings silence and silence is the antidote to creativity, effectiveness and learning. Every organization, every leader and every colleague that want to contribute to performance, success and well-being must actively support and enact a culture where people speak up, offer their knowledge and perspectives and get listened to, raise their doubts when appropriate and feel comfortable voicing their insecurities and mistakes. It is therefore no surprise that “Psychological safety” stands out as one of the most relevant topics for leadership since the past decade.

“A culture of silence is a dangerous culture”

What psychological safety is not…

  • …about being nice: conflict would (and should) inevitably arise, no matter how perfect the work environment is; psychological safety is about being honest and about letting people on different sides of a conflict express their opinions.
  • …a personality factor: work climate affects different people in similar ways; regardless of whether they are introverts or extroverts, most workers would speak their mind up in a psychologically safe environment.
  • …just another word for trust: though similar concepts, the key difference between trust and psychological safety is that the latter is not experienced at personal, but at a group level.
  • …about lowering performance standards: psychological safety is not about being “comfortable” at work or about creating “anything goes” environment.

During the afternoon (13:00 – 17:00 CET, lecture starts 13:30) Amy will give a two-hour lecture on “psychological safety” followed by case/work and reflections in small groups. The afternoon will close with an interactive Q&A session for 45 minutes with Amy Edmondson.

Welcome to join this unique learning opportunity!

Who this course is for

Managers, Leaders, Change agents & Coaches


This course has already been held.

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