Agile Requirements – Integrating Use Cases, User Stories, and Story Maps. May 28-29 2015
This course is unfortunately canceled
“What is the difference between a user story and a use case?” Solve this riddle by learning from the world’s leading expert.
Alistair Cockburn is co-author of the Agile Manifesto and wrote the books Agile Software Development and Writing Effective Use Cases and more.
This is a workout class, there are no slides to sleep through, only illustrations of good work, exercises activities, and reflective discussions of how to improve.
The class uses two sample problems, plus the acclaimed “Elephant Carpaccio” exercise, to drive home the skill of making use cases short and effective, and of splitting user stories finer and finer, delivering value no matter how finely split.
Finally, the class introduces the Jeff Patton’s Story Mapping, which allows the business to optimize releases to deliver the highest value possible on an agile project.
Course description:
Use cases and user stories are fundamentally different and should used for different purposes.
In this course, the attendee will learn what each really is and how to write and use each. The attendee will learn how to extract user stories from use cases in two different ways. The attendee will learn the two most important things about user stories:
- how to anchor them to stakeholder values, and
- how to split them into smaller stories
Along the way, the attendee will have to face some surprises, such as what the broad range of ”requirements” consists of, how to avoid the word ”requirements” altogether, the implications of agile development for steering, cutting, trimming scope to deliver maximum value.
Finally, the attendee will be shown the rapid form of “Story Mapping”, a technique that allows business people to plan the deliveries that will give the greatest balanced value to the enterprise.
The techniques reviewed are valuable in carrying out any kind of project, not only agile ones.
Who this course is for
Beginner and intermediate. People starting to use or already using agile development with questions about how to gather requirements, and how to fit use cases and user stories together.
Learning outcomes for this course
- what ”requirements” are, what use cases and user stories leave out.
- what is agile and what isn’t agile development;
- what a use case looks like, is good for, isn’t good for, how to write them;
- what a user story looks like, is good for, isn’t good for, how to write them;
- how to trim scope selectively for maximum product/project outcome;
- how to fit use-cases and user-stories together to benefit from each;
- to apply Jeff Patton’s ”storymapping” to build a release map.