We are thrilled to announce our very first remote online conference – Crisp Day – where our coaches and engineers at Crisp will share their valuable insights and knowledge with all of you.  

You will get an afternoon filled with interesting talks from our experts on topics like Product Strategy, AI, Remote working, Hexagonal Architecture, Team Success Metrics and much more in two parallel tracks.

Don’t miss this chance to kick start 2021 with new learnings and new connections to both speakers and other participants.

Interested yet? Have a look at some of the speakers and topics below!

Tech and Engineering Track

Olle Hallin – Know your IDEA, cut some time

In my daily work I often see developers use the command line and/or web interfaces for frequent operations that are a lot simpler and more efficient to do in the IDE. In this speech I will show you a few of my favourite Intellij tricks that save time, every time.

Olle is a seasoned software engineer who loves helping other developers become more productive. His mantra is Use the right tool for the job, which he’s become quite good at after more that three decades in the business.

Mattias Skarin – AI for CTOs

AI is the new black. But what are constraints of AI? How will it impact software development? And what do you need to think about in terms of your Architecture? That is the focus of this session.

Mattias helps people and companies reap the benefits of Lean and Agile, stretching from Autonomous driving to LEGO. He has authored two books – ”Real World Kanban” and ”Kanban and Scrum – making the best of both”

Henrik Kniberg – Minecraft test automation

At Mojang we’ve built a test framework that allows us to, well, use Minecraft to test Minecraft. In this talk I’ll demo the framework and tell the story of why we built it and what we learned.

Henrik is on the Minecraft gameplay design team at Mojang, working close to full time. He balances his time between game design & development & team coaching.
He also helps companies improve. He’s spent the past 12+ years coaching and mentoring organizations based on Agile and Lean principles. Currently with Mojang, previously with Spotify & LEGO.

Fredrik Lindgren – Structure your microservice using a hexagonal architecture

Using a hexagonal architecture, AKA Ports and Adapters, to structure the internals of a microservice provides several valuable benefits. I will introduce the basic concepts and rationale of the architecture and show a simple java based example. Using the example I will show how the structure can help to make a service really testable as well as how it can be used to support changes in technology or surrounding services without affecting the core business logic.

Fredrik helps software teams and organisations to untangle their systems and ways of working. His primary focus and interest is the intersection of software architecture and team organisation, and how to align these to best support the development and delivery of great software with minimal bureaucracy.

Alexander Tarlinder

Alexander Tarlinder – Experiences from 20 years of professional software development

This talk is all about software practices. Alexander has come to understand that successful teams write tons of documentation, avoid devops, don’t do pull requests, and write all code at least twice. There’s more where that came from.

Alexander is a developer who’s passionate about craftsmanship, quality, testing, and an agile way of working. After two decades in the industry, he has shouldered roles such as developer, architect, project manager, Scrum Master, QA, agile coach, and CTO. Having been involved in all aspects of software development, he remains attached to the act of producing high-quality software.

Teams, Organisations and Process Track

Jan Grape – Company goals, alignment and roadmaps

Here is one way of creating roadmaps in a company that help product development, system architecture, marketing and sales to align and support each other.

As an agile coach, Jan helps organizations find better ways of achieving their goals by finding better ways of working, better organization, and better architectural solutions. He often works with C-level management as with development, product, and commercial teams using agile and lean toolboxes to make workplaces fantastic.
Awesome people in an awesome workplace will create awesome things!

Marcus Castenfors – Hapkey: A startup story

During this talk Marcus will share the knowledge he has gained from founding a startup. There will be lessons about strategy, tactics, marketing, collaboration and most importantly product discovery.

Marcus is a Product Discovery Coach at Crisp, helping companies create better products for their customers. On the side, he is also the CEO and a co-founder of Hapkey, an employee experience survey tool.

Joakim Sundén – Agile Transformations with the ”Spotify Model” – Lessons from the Trenches

For a long time Spotify people (including me!) have tried to convince the world that there is no “Spotify Model” and if there ever was one, Spotify isn’t using it anyway and you shouldn’t either. And yet, countless organizations are using the Spotify model to drive their agile transformations, some of them claiming huge successes. So, let’s stop kidding ourselves and instead look at how the Spotify model is actually being used and what we can learn from these organizations.
This talk will be structured around the change journey of one organization that I worked with for two years, where we used tribes, squads and other “Spotify concepts” as part of the transformation. I will share lessons from what I believe worked well and what I believe could have been done in a better way. I will also incorporate the experience from other client work as well as from having run the course “Agile at Scale, Inspired by Spotify” dozens of times all over the world.

Michael Göthe – Collective Intelligence: Why it works and how to harness it.

In a complex environment, making the right decisions is too hard for the lone expert to do. What is required is that we master cross-organizational collaboration, collective decision making, and customer collaboration.
Join Michael in an interactive session about the theory and practice of collective intelligence. You will learn how to harness collective intelligence through some general practices and example cases.
The session will be interactive so be prepared to participate.

Christophe Achouiantz – Team Success Metrics

When do we succeed as a team? Can we measure that? These questions invariably pop-up during a team’s lifetime, either raised by the team itself (how do we improve?), or my management (how do we see we’re better off now?). The real question is: what’s relevant to measure in our context? In this talk, I share different success metrics I’ve seen and used over the years; everything from mission and goals metrics, to discovery, delivery, DevOps and a plethora of Health metrics. You’ll get inspired by what’s possible and get tips on how to choose what’s right for you.

Christophe is helping teams, departments and organizations stay relevant by re-thinking and transforming themselves using Lean/Agile. The past few years, he’s been supporting Telenor Sweden and lately Tele2 in their journey.

Yassal Sundman – Evaluating your product strategy

Does your product strategy have what it takes to succeed? In this talk we explore the 7 Powers by Hamilton Helmer, and see how you can use them to define and refine your product strategy!

Yassal has been helping product teams define, refine, release and maintain products in a variety of industries. Some of the most fun projects she’s worked on include the children’s programming site on SVT and two Candy Crush spinoffs.

Mattias Skarin – Agile outside IT

How is Agile being used outside IT? In this session Mattias will share real life examples of Agile from business to construction. One of the areas even caught him by surprise. Can you guess which?

Mattias helps people and companies reap the benefits of Lean and Agile, stretching from Autonomous driving to LEGO. He has authored two books – ”Real World Kanban” and ”Kanban and Scrum – making the best of both”

Mathias Holmgren – The philosophy of a change agent – three fundamentals of change and six tips to enable effective organizational change

In a different kind of talk Mathias will share some of his deeper beliefs and current best understanding of what change is, how change happens in organizations and what we can do to embrace those realities when we act as change agents in organizations. If you want somebody to tell you exactly what to do to drive change or some three step process to follow, this is not the talk for you. However, if you want to dive a bit deeper and explore what may go on behind the curtains of change and why, then join Mathias in this more philosophical talk.

Mathias is a student of life who is learning how to enable people and organizations to be great and reach their potential by creating lasting, creative, sustainable success. His primary focus is the challenges of creating great products and the organizations and technical solutions that can successfully discover and deliver them.

Alexander Tarlinder

Alexander Tarlinder – Positive psychology in 10 minutes

Positive psychology is a young branch of psychology. In this short presentation we’ll look at its major theories and relate it to other branches.

Alexander Tarlinder is a developer, who’s passionate about craftsmanship, quality, testing, and an agile way of working. After two decades in the industry, he has shouldered roles such as developer, architect, project manager, Scrum Master, QA, agile coach, and CTO. Having been involved in all aspects of software development, he remains attached to the act of producing high-quality software.

David Barnholdt – Remote workshop facilitation tips

Through COVID-19 we have all have had to adapt to working remote. A big part of this is learning to run remote workshops of all sizes. David will share his key insights from doing this from team-retrospectives to Big Room planning with hundreds of participants.

David is a transformation coach helping organizations to become innovative and disruptive. He has mostly worked with large organizations within telecom and finance. He also gives a number of classes; remote workshop facilitation, agile leadership and agile project management.

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