Expand your workshop toolbox and sharpen your facilitation skills. Learn how to engage the room and help the group reach strong decisions, regardless of if you are meeting face to face or remotely over video.

If you want to engage the whole room you need to master facilitation. The skill of facilitating good workshops that result in clear inclusive decisions and commitment is an art in itself. During this course you will learn tools, skills, a wide variety of workshop formats, techniques and tips that will help you become a skilled and stronger facilitator.

Modern organisations rely on effective communication, knowledge sharing and distributed decision-making – all of this happens in meetings between people. After this course, you will be able to facilitate more efficient meetings that engage all participants and result in clear decisions, actions and agreement about the plan ahead.

The course has a great mix and variety of theory, examples, discussions and exercises.

Physical & Digital

The exercises for the first day will be physical with whiteboards and Post-its. Exercises for the second day will be using digital tools so you need to bring your laptop and partially conducted over video, even though we sit in the same room.

Topics covered during the training…

  • How to facilitate engaging meetings and workshops
  • How to use the Groan Zone model to shape a workshop to achieve inclusive decision making
  • How to prepare before the workshop
  • How to set the stage, frame and launch a workshop in order to increase presence and to create a focus on the goal and the outcome
  • A wide repertoire of different workshop formats, as well as understanding how to choose an appropriate format, given the conditions and purpose of the meeting.
  • Lots of facilitation techniques and tips that make you a great and appreciated facilitator.
  • How you as a facilitator can work with energy and engagement in the meeting, both physical and remote
  • Advice on how to create a psychological safe and inclusive space that invite to honesty and tough discussions
  • Different methods and techniques for decision-making
  • How to help a group move forward when stuck
  • How to handle challenging situations and behaviours
  • Closure of meetings to maximise commitment and clarity on what happens next

What do others have to say about the course?

Here are some examples of quotes from previous similar trainings:

  • Lots of great tools to create variation and movement in the meeting
  • Very engaging and dynamic
  • I have never left an education with so many new tools and inspiration
  • Great mixture of theory, examples and exercises
  • Fantastic energy!
  • Loved the discussions and getting ideas and input from other participants

This training is for you whom…

Often find yourself leading and facilitating meetings and want to learn how to make these meetings more fun, more engaging, more effective and result in stronger and clearer decisions. You may have a role as Manager, Scrum Master, Agile/Team Coach, Project Manager/Owner or Teacher.

Prior Knowledge



This course has already been held.

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