Crisp Day, 7:e September, 2023
För det tredje året i rad bjuder vi in till Crisp Day, en online-konferens där våra coacher och mjukvaruutvecklare på Crisp delar med sig av sina insikter och erfarenheter.
Det blir en eftermiddag fylld med intressanta presentationer från våra experter på ämnen som Product Discovery, OKRer, arkitektur, beslutsfattande i volatila miljöer, navigering av komplexitet, Open Space Agility, Slicing och mycket mer, i parallella spår.
Missa inte denna chans att kick-starta hösten 2023 med ny kunskap, inspiration och med att knyta nya kontakter med både talare och deltagare.
Notera att samtliga presentationer är på engelska.
Se några av talarna deras ämnen nedan. Talarlistan kan komma att uppdateras. Registera dig nu

Henrik Kniberg
The Age of AI is here. Now what?
Generative AI (such as GPT) is progressing at a mind boggling pace right now, and it is hard to keep up.
In this talk we’ll go beyond the hype and look at what is actually going on. What is this technology all about,
and what are the practical implications? How can I as an individual or we as a company stay relevant in the Age of AI?
Michael Göthe
Levels of collaboration – and why we are stuck in endless meetings
Many organizations get stuck in endless sync meetings to coordinate their way forward when higher levels of collaboration are needed in complex Agile environments.

Tomas Björkholm
RenDanHeYi – A management philosophy for innovative enterprises
RenDanHeYi is a management philosophy that focuses on putting people at the core of business operations, creating value for customers through innovative and efficient processes, breaking down organizational silos, and fostering a culture of entrepreneurship and accountability. It emphasizes adaptability and agility to meet changing market conditions and customer demands.
Mathias Holmgren
Aligning as a leadership team before starting a major transformation
The key practical steps to get on the same page, about what and why, before we bet on changing our organization

Christophe Achouiantz
This is Product-led!
An introduction to Product-led organizations. What is it? Why is this valuable? Why is everyone going ”Product”?
Iyasu Ghirmai
Grow at any cost?
2022 has been extremely harsch for tech companies valuations, the ”grow at any cost” is coming to an end or atleast a halt. This is an intro to how to grow organically with product led approach, forcing PMs to become more business savvy

Marcus Castenfors – Stubborn on vision and flexible on details: how to facilitate a vision sprint
Where are we heading? What’s the future going to look like for our product?
There is a sad truth. Most companies don’t answer these questions in a meaningful way.
And, what does this lead to?
Misalignment. Teams running in different directions. They interpret their own view of where they should go. Goals are not achieved.
So, the big question is: how could you tackle this as a product leader?
The answer lies in crafting a tangible story, together. Painting the picture of what an inspiring future could look like.
Mattias Skarin
Agile Portfolio Demystified
A walk through of the essential elements of Agile portfolio (lean/agile budgeting, value streams, roadmaps, agile architecture, pivot and a strategic direction). The ”why” behind each element, how it differs compared to traditional operations, and what it brings to the overall equation.

Joakim Sundén
Beyond Agile: How The Best Are Different From The Rest
Agile teams can be really great, but it only gets you so far. Team based collaboration and delivering product increments every two weeks is no longer the competitive advantage it maybe once was, it’s more or less expected in a modern workplace. Sure, many bigger organizations still struggle with being able to release more frequently and consistently with high quality, but most are well aware of the problem and know where to shop for solutions.
In my experience, the biggest difference between great product companies, such as Spotify, and the not-so-great, is that the latter are busy delivering tons of stuff that they don’t know is going to make any difference whatsoever. And even worse – they don’t seem to care! At least that’s what it looks like as their teams are busy implementing requirements and specifications initiated by “business people” and calling it done as soon as the solution fulfills the specification (if even that). Teams simply don’t have the tools, the way of working, or the responsibility of making sure they are actually changing user behaviors, creating impact, and delivering business results.
On the other hand, in the best companies, teams have all this and they know that most ideas on a typical roadmap are going to fail. This is why the leaders in these companies focus on what objectives they need to achieve, then give the teams the context and information they need, and let them figure out how to actually reach results.
You should do this too. In this talk I explain why and share my view and experience of how to make that happen.
Alexander Tarlinder
Things that always work and things that never work in software development
When writing software, teams and individuals, knowingly or not, apply patterns, techniques, and ways of work. Some of them pretty much always lead to success, whereas others result in failure.
This talk covers a variety of highs and lows that fall into either category. For example, unit tests and hexagonal architectures tend to put one in a good spot. Conversely, home-grown caches, reflection, or hard-coded scripted test data tend to end in tears. Each pattern/way of work is described and named, after which it’s broken down so that its underlying mechanics can be explained.

Fredrik Lindgren
Service evolution under pressure – patterns and trade-offs to reduce risk while making significant changes
I’m working in a team developing and operating a high traffic, globally deployed service that serves the browsing experience for the Discovery+ streaming service.
Our main challenge the past year has been to evolve this service to also power the new Max streaming service in the US, replacing HBO Max.
In this talk I will share some of the key architectural patterns that we have used in the service to enable safe evolution. I will also share some of the architectural challenges and trade-offs we had to make along the way to be able to pull it off in less than 9 months.
David Barnholdt
Effective learning strategies – for you, your team and your organization
If you goal is to speed up learning – what can you do about it? As an individual, as a team and as a organization.