Ny bok: Developer Testing: Building Quality into Software
Efter några år av skrivande kommer äntligen Alexander Tarlinders bok Developer Testing: Building Quality into Software. Bokens främsta ambition är att höja nivån i industrin genom att få utvecklare att ta ansvar för sin kods kvalitet. Den beskriver konceptet Developer Testing, som handlar om systematisk och intentionell användning av testtekniker och testverktyg i syfte att […]
New book from Crisp – Kanban in 30 days
Designed as a 30-day action plan, this book will help you understand and implement Kanban – and start seeing results – in a month. Analyze your current situation and define your goals and wider strategic aims, and begin developing a plan to help you and your team confidently work towards achieving them. Involve your team […]
Real World Kanban – Reviews and Anectdotes
Real-World Kanban by Mattias Skarin, was published in 2015 by Pragmatic Programming. Here are a few reviews from people who have read the book as well as some anecdotes. Reviews – what people have said about Real World Kanban ”The best books on Kanban come from North European authors. This little book, well illustrated and […]
Ny bok: Lean from the Trenches
Denna bok visar exempel på kombinationen Scrum + Kanban + XP i ett 60-personers projekt.