What happens when you apply Agile tools and Lean principles in marketing? Which parts are useful, and in what way? In this case study we will share lessons learned from applying Lean and Agile within Digital Marketing at Zalando. We will share how we used them to coordinate efforts across multiple teams , how we tripped, fell over, and finally found a recipy that worked for us. About Julia Senior Digital Strategist and Agile Practitioner particularly recognized for strategic and methodical acumen. Helping both marketing and creative teams to succeed with digital strategy and agile & lean methodologies. Focused on user-centered digital marketing and product development applying agile virtues e.g. by having rolled out Kanban at Zalando marketing. Facilitates digital transformation to drive incremental progress enhancing motivation and speed of the teams and to create award-winning products and campaigns. About Mattias: Sun Tzu once said that the ultimate responsibility of generalship is to maneuver into a position of success. My quest is to figure out how best to do just that in complex fast moving environments. I coach and train managers and teams across the value stream on how to use Lean and Agile tools to create and maintain a competitive edge. How do we use Agile to evolve areas outside IT, such as marketing, product management, has been a focus of mine for the last number of years. I’m the author of the book ”Real World Kanban” and the co-author of ”Kanban and Scrum, making the most of both http://blog.crisp.se/mattiasskarin  

Schedule: 17.30 – doors open, mingle and food 18.00 – 19.30 Presentations

We will be serving food, so please let us know if you have any food allergies/preferences.


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Upcomming courses in Agile & Lean

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David Barnholdt
Therese Ahlberg
Therese Ahlberg
Reza Farhang
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Hans Brattberg
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Reza Farhang
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Early Bird In English
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Linda Antonsson
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Hans Brattberg
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Michael Göthe
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Reza Farhang
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Tomas Björkholm
Tomas Björkholm
Michael Göthe
Michael Göthe
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Tomas Björkholm
Tomas Björkholm
Early Bird In English
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Reza Farhang
Hans Brattberg
Hans Brattberg
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