Product ownership is one of the most difficult and critical roles in Scrum. While the role responsibilities of the product owner can be described simply enough, very little is said about the day-to-day practice for those filling the role. If you are a new product owner, you’re likely wrestling with competing demands for time and information from your team, and stakeholders. If you’ve been in the role for a while, you’re likely working long hours to try to keep up with work that’s different than anything you’ve done before. A Product Owner needs to be knowledgeable, available to both customers and the team, capable of making the final decision on the ordering of the backlog, and accountable for value delivered (usually revenue). Clarifying this responsibility can result in cutting cost of development by $75K per month per team. The upside on revenue delivered can be even higher. It makes good business sense to train your Product Owners properly! Learn the essentials of working as a Product Owner in this interactive, certified, two-day class. Sponsored by Scrum Inc. and taught by Jeff Sutherland, Co-Creator of Scrum, theCSPO course gives you the skills and tools you need to generate business value and fully leverage your Scrum team.

Who this course is for

We ask that you have a basic understanding of Scrum before the course starts.

Learning outcomes for this course

This intensive hands-on course will teach you how to handle the many responsibilities of a great Product Owner. Including how to manage and prioritize product backlogs, plan releases, track progress, estimate business value and use it to drive prioritization, and how to scale Scrum projects.


Please read at least one of the following books/papers:


This course has already been held.

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